The FSA’s “Japan Weeks 2024” | Core Week: 30 September to 4 October 2024



  1. Why should you go to Japan now?

  2. What is “Japan Weeks 2024”?

  3. Please stop by our office in Tokyo!


1. Why should you go to Japan now?

Japan's economy is now emerging from its “lost 30 years” and is on the verge of a new dawn. You have probably seen the following news. The Nikkei 225 Index hit its highest level in 34 years in February. The Bank of Japan raised its policy rate in March for the first time in 17 years. This year's annual negotiations between the labour force and management brought wage increases to their highest level in decades.


“Japan Weeks 2024”, held by the Japanese Financial Services Agency (FSA), will provide many opportunities for overseas investors to deepen their knowledge of the Japanese economy. We invite you to come to Japan this fall to see the changes in Japan with your own eyes. If you visit Japan, please stop by our office; our economists and portfolio managers will be happy to discuss the Japanese economy and financial markets with you.

One more thing: late September to early October in Japan is the best season to travel, as the weather is pleasant. We hope you will also enjoy the beautiful scenery and delicious Japanese cuisine. For more information, please visit the Japan National Tourism Organisation’s (JNTO) official website.

Pixabay_Mt Fuji

2. What is “Japan Weeks 2024”?

a. About Japan Weeks

In a bid to promote Japan as a leading asset management and global financial centre, the Japanese government is advancing its initiatives though “Japan Weeks” – a series of events held with the participation of overseas investors and asset management firms. 

The first “Japan Weeks” took place in Autumn 2023 and following its success a second round is scheduled to be held this Autumn in 2024. This year’s core week will be from September 30 to October 4, with a variety of events held during, before and after this week.


b. Overview of this year's events

Main Event: “Asset Management Forum (Tentative)” on October 3, 2024

This event will discuss the initiatives of the “Policy Plan for Promoting Japan as a Leading Asset Management Centre”, emerging asset managers, sustainable finance, and other topics.

Background: The Japanese government is working to implement reforms in the asset management industry and asset ownership to promote Japan as a leading asset management centre. It also aims to promote new domestic and foreign participation and competition in the asset management business. In December 2023, the government released the “Policy Plan for Promoting Japan as a Leading Asset Management Centre”. It recognises the importance of dialogue with stakeholders and the dissemination of information on the attractiveness of the Japanese market.

The government decided to launch an “Asset Management Forum” in cooperation with related domestic and foreign businesses and investors. It established a preparatory committee for this purpose in December 2023.

We, Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Asset Management (SuMi TRUST AM), are a member of this preparatory committee and are scheduled to attend this event.

“Japan Weeks Opening Reception” by Bloomberg on September 30, 2024

WAIFC Annual Meeting” by World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC) on October 15,2024

WAIFC Young Academic Award Ceremony and "Art and Finance" Event” by WAIFC October 15, 2024

“Asia Pacific Real Assets Leaders' Congress” by Asia Pacific Real Assets Association (APREA) on October 16, 2024

In addition to the above, various other events are planned and will be announced on the official website.


c. Overview of last year's events (“Japan Weeks 2023”)

“National Securities Conference” by Japan Securities Dealers Association, Japanese Stock Exchanges Conference and Japan Investment Trusts Association, Keynote speech by Prime Minister Fumio Kishida

PRI in Person” by PRI Association, Keynote speech by Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and Governor of Tokyo Koike Yuriko

GGX x TCFD Summit” by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)

ICGN-NBIM Company and Investor Engagement Meeting” by ICGN, Norges Bank Investment Management, Japan Business Federation

KKR – Global Atlantic Japan Insurance Conference 2023” by KKR Japan

Australia and Japan – A bright future for hydrogen” by French-Australian Chamber of Commerce & Industry in Japan (CCI Frande-Japon)

“Financial Nippon” Top Symposium by Nikkei, Inc.


3. Please stop by our office in Tokyo!

SuMi TRUST AM is one of the largest investment management firms in Asia with over USD 623 billion of AUM as of the end of March 2024, and is entrusted by the Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF), the largest pension fund in the world. We also have local offices in New York, London, Luxembourg, Singapore and Hong Kong dedicated to foreign institutional investors. 

We have been managing Japanese equity portfolios for a number of decades, tailored to meet our investors’ needs. We can provide our outlook on the Japanese macro and equity market leveraging our expertise based on our extensive knowledge and experience. Our strategists and portfolio managers are always happy to share their insights with you. If you are interested in coming to Japan, please let us know.


For more information on Japan Weeks 2024, visit the FSA’s official website here:

Japan Weeks 2024 | International Financial Centre Japan by FSA

About Writer

Oki Shiozawa, Investment Director

Oki Shiozawa is an investment director at SuMi TRUST AM. With over 30 years of experience working in the investment industry, he is well-versed in the financial markets and Japanese companies. 

Oki joined the firm in 2006 and served as a portfolio manager of Japanese equity active strategies from 2006 to 2023. Prior to this he began his investment career in 1994 as an equity research analyst and managed Japanese equity active portfolios from 2001 to 2005 at a major asset management firm.

He holds a BA in law from the University of Tokyo and is a Certified Member Analyst of the Securities Analysts Association of Japan (CMA).

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